Thursday, January 2, 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 1

Photos from my mum
Day 1: Taking The Lead
Activity 1: Playing Favourites
List of my Favorites

  • I like to help my mum feed the calves in spring
  • I love to play with my lego
  • I also love to read
Activity 2: Rights and Wrongs
How many years until I'm 25?
It is 15 because I am 10 then
I added another 10 which = 20 then I added 5 Which = 25 and 10 + 5 = 15

Activity 3: 'Dear Jacinda'
Dear Jacinda Ardern
Hi my name is Johanna Groot and I live on the West Coast of the South Island.
I think swimming lessons should be free because swimming is important, not every one can have the money for it.  Swimming is also a very important thing for people because it can save lives it can even save your life. Every one should learn how to swim for safety.

Kind regards


  1. Hi Johanna

    I love your three things that you like to do. Especially as one of them is reading. I also love to read. It is one of my favourite things to do.
    Do you have a favourite book or author?
    My favourite is the book 'The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane' It is a great book all about a little china rabbit and his adventures. I recommend it to you. You will love it.

    I really like the idea that you have put forward to Jacinda Ardern about free swimming lessons for everyone. It really shouldn't matter your age either as it is important that everyone learns how to swim. You never know when you will need it or be able to help someone else.

    Have you been swimming these holidays? or is it too cold?
    You are lucky at Kumara school because you have your own pool! Not many schools have a pool now.

    You are doing a great job Johanna, keep it up. I love all the photos that you have added to this post. Your dog is very cute! What is his/her name? I hope you are reading out loud so that he/she can hear the story too!

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Hi Allie
    Yes I do have a favourite book it's Nancy Drew and My favourite Author is Roaul Dual.
    I'm allways intresiend in books so I think I'll like that one.
    Well we did go swimming but it was in Greymouth my Nana drove us there.
    My dogs name is Possem. You should hear this amazing story about her. She chased after my dad and then when into the bush and some how got into the hole because she went a lot far off the drive way then she got stuck in a hole where a tree had been. She was in the bush and was there for four days!!! Mum and Dad fonud her. My Grandma was very worred.

  3. Hi Johanna

    Wow that is an amazing story about Possem she is very lucky that your Mum and Day found her. I bet she was so happy to see everyone! I am so pleased she was ok!
    Roald. Nancy Drew has been around for such a long time and they are great detective stories.

    Talk soon

    Allie :)

  4. Hi Allie
    Yes it's is a great story about Possem. And yes she was so pleased to see us, dad had to wake up Lotte, Rhys and Me to show Possem. Also she hadn't lost any weight.
    Have a great holiday


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