Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Createing a collage for New Zealand

How I made my kiwi.

What I did first was I typed up brown texture then I choose a texture to use for my kiwi. Then I clicked an arrow that is next to the crop button. Then I turned the picture into two circle's. Then I put the two circle's together. Then I typed up yellow texture for the beak and legs. Then I pressed the arrow that is next to the crop button. Then I shaped the yellow into rectangles and triangles.  then I atached them to the body of the kiwi. Then when I did that I typed up black texture and turned it into a cricle for an eye then put it on. Then I put a line on the kiwis body for a wing. Then I made it so that the kiwi was one whole thing. Then I duplicated the kiwis. Once I'd done  that I typed up forest background texture then I put the background on then I'm finished.