Sunday, December 22, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week1 Day 2

Day 2: Up in the air

Activity 1: Flying Solo

Activity 2: One Small Step for Man
Image result for neil armstrong
Nerve wrecking

Excitedly I jumped out of the spaceship
It's one small step for women, one giant leap for womankind
Learning about the moon that nobody knew
Amazing Journey
Rough ground
Magnificent time
Tired from all the travel
Rough journey
Oh my goodness
Nervous Activity 3: Miracle on the Hudson The time I was brave was when a chair landed on my big toe and made the toe nail nearly come out, I cried. My mum said that I was brave because we had to drive 42 km to get to the hospital then wait 2 hours to see the Doctor and I did not cry even though I was in so much pain. When they fixed my toe by putting the toe nail back in I was brave and did not cry or anything.


  1. Hi Johanna,
    I like your post, its good to see you doing the SLJ again. I know that you were away at the starts so you will have to catch up a bit but you will. How was you holiday down South? well done on these three tasks I like your acrostic poem it is well thought out. I remember when you hurt your toe you were very brave then. your first activity is really good and you have put lots of words in it. It is a bit hard to see the words so you might want to make it a bit bigger next time.
    come comment on my blog
    Keep it up

  2. Hi Jess
    I need to catch up because when we got home there was no internet so I have to do it at the cowshed while mum is milking the cows.
    Thanks for leting me know about it being too small to read I will fix that. Once we get internet at the house I will look at your blog.
    Thank you for the helpful comment Jess

  3. Hi Johanna!

    My name is Gabriel, and I am part of this year’s Summer Learning Journey team. I will be helping to comment on your amazing posts over the summer. It is such a wonderful experience to be able to read your blog. It’s great to see what you have done already!

    Lovely Venn diagram! It has been wonderful reading all about these two amazing pilots. I did not know that Amelia Earheart founded an organisation for female pilots!

    One way that you can make your posts even more engaging is to include pictures of what you are writing about. :) This lets us readers see what you are describing.

    Keep up the great blogging work!


  4. Hi Gabe
    Thanks for commenting about how I didint have pictures

    1. Hi Johanna,

      Great to see that you have included picture! You post looks incredible! I hope you are enjoying your holidays, is there anything interesting that you are doing for the summer?

      Keep up the wonderful work!


  5. Hi Gabe
    I am going to colgate games and i'm doing 100metes and long jump
    Hope you have a good holiday.

    1. Hi Johanna,

      That sounds amazing :) I hope that you do great! Keep up the great work


  6. Hi Gabe
    I'm also doing High Jump.
    Thanks for commenting

    1. Hi Johanna,

      Good luck! Let us know here at SLJ how your High Jump goes,

      Keep up the great work!


  7. Hi Gabe
    I Did'int last long in it. It was anoning because they did'int really tell me what to propley do.

  8. Hi Johanna,

    I'm sorry to hear that! It can be frustrating when people do not fully tell us what to do. I hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays!


  9. Hi Gabe
    It was only my first time doing colgate games. I am enjoy the rest of my holidays with no work to do.
    Keep up your commeting


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