Friday, December 21, 2018

Day 3 Awesome Animals

Activity 1: Fantastic Beasts 
My monster is called moca she likes eating people whenever she sees one, she has a wand and she has spikes on her. She can fly as fast as lightning, shes half cow and half cat. She always is on the hunt. What she likes the most is blood. She would smack you with her really strong tail. Don't go near her.

Activity 2: The Secretive Skink 
3 Good things working as a DOC Ranger:
1. Looking after the cute animals and birds
2. Going caving
3. Knowing you are making a different to the NZ wildlife.

3 Bad things working as a DOC Ranger:
1. Getting rained on while working outdoors
2. Being bitten by animals
3. You go to some dangerous places, where big rocks could full on you

I wouldn't like to be a DOC ranger because you can get in a place that's in danger sometimes and having to clean up after people in the parks when they make a mess.

Activity 3: The WWF: World Wildlife Fund
One animal the WWF is trying to save is the Saimaa ringed pubs from human disturbance, other animals and the cold. To help them they are making snow banks to protect the seal pups and to keep away other animals and human disturbance. It has made a difference but they need to came up with a long term plan.

Second Animal the WWF is trying to save are Tigers from all around the world. They trying to get rid of tiger traps and stop people from killing them they also hiding cameras  to see what they eat and to look out for bad people that kill them. I believe that this is helping them a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Johanna,

    Congratulations on finishing the first week of the programme. I hope that you'll continue blogging with us over the rest of the summer.

    Wow, your beast sounds very frightening. What sort of habitat does Moca live in? I hope it's not close to me!

    I can tell that you put a lot of thought into whether or not you would like to be a DOC ranger. I especially liked your reason about knowing that you are making a difference to New Zealand wildlife. I think that that would be very rewarding.

    What do you think the WWF could incorporate into their long-term plan to protect the seal pups?

    I hope that you have a lovely Christmas with your whanau tomorrow.

    Hazel :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.