Thursday, December 21, 2017

week 1 day 4

Hitting a high note
Activity 1
This is my favorite waiata because we sing it at school also the boys repeat after the girls and they get loud.  

Playing games
Activity 2
The name of the game is Poi Rā kau
This is a game I found and I like the look of it. And I want to show it to my teacher.  
The goal of the game is that someone would call out something and then people go around. They hold a stick and you have to try make it not fall down. One of the rules is that if you put the stick into the ground your cheating.  The second rule is that if it falls down you are out.

Bonus activity
  1. Te Puku o Te Ika. I enjoyed Te Puku o Te Ika the best. I don’t know why but I just enjoyed that one the most.
  2. Te Iti Kahurangi
  3. Tamatea Arikinui


1 comment:

  1. Hi Johanna

    I really like Haere Mai too. It is a very catchy waiata. I can imagine that you would like to sing this one at school especially if the boys repeat it after you. It would turn into a competition of who could sing the loudest! Do the girls win sometimes?

    I really like the game that you have found. This is just great. I am going to save that link too, and show it to the teachers at my school. I think this is a really cool game. Well done for finding it. I hope that your teacher lets you play it next year. It looks like it gets really hard when they have to take a step backwards.

    You have put these performances in the same order that I would. Its ok not to know why you like something. But just to like it!!

    Well done adding links to you work, it makes it fun and easy for me to watch and see what you have been looking at.

    We are going on a break over Christmas and New Year, so we might not be as quick to comment on your work. But we will catch up with everything you do so don't worry.

    Have a Merry Christmas Johanna!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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